Sharon Tatem has been donating her time and talent to children and the arts for the past 10 years.
- Sharon Tatem donated a fine art painting the Martin County Red Cross 2008 Christmas Ball to benefit the Red Cross.
- Sharon and husband Matt Tatem's company Tatem Web Design also created and donated the Martin County Red Cross Website.
- Sharon created "The Interactive Wall Mural Event" and Sharon has put on the event with great success. Festival of Trees brought in over 600 young artists over a 3 day period to participate in the "I Love Long Island" wall mural.
- The mural was a charity event for the Cerebral Palsy Foundation The mural was sponsored by
- Sharon Tatem also created "The Interactive Wall Mural Event" at Artigras was sponsored by Palm Beach County chamber of Commerce and
- Sharon Tatem also created "The Interactive Wall Mural Event" at The Feast of Little Italy was sponsored by Sorrento Cheese.
- Sharon created the "American Flag with Ribbon" and donated it to the NYC Chamber of Commerce for 911 to help rebuild businesses that were destroyed. The painting has been on exhibit in the Esperante Building in West Palm Beach and on a government building tour.
- Sharon also created the Florida Mural for Junior Achievement of West Palm Beach. The organization teaches children about business.
- Sharon Tatem also donated the Underwater Wall Mural for theChildens Place at Homesafe, a homeless Shelter for children of parents with AIDS.
- Sharon Tatem created and donated a mural for The Binks Forest Elementary School in Wellington Florida.